Monday, July 28, 2008

New Electronic Resources July 2008

Henry Stewart Talks: Biomedical & Life Sciences The presentations consist of navigable slides with accompanying narration synchronised for ease of listening. They are all approximately 40-50 minutes long and are organised into a comprehensive series of talks.

Serial Set Maps (via LexisNexis) Contains maps within the U.S. Serial Set which represent one of the greatest single collections of cartographic materials of the United States. From the exploration of the American West to the Parisian defenses during the Crimean War, the Serial Set carto-bibliographic records allow unprecedented access to the 52,000+ maps of the Serial Set. Searchable segments include title, geographic subject, map relief method, and names on map. Search results bring up carto-bibliographic entries with map title, notation of content, date, and the Serial Set Map ID number. The full carto-bibliographic view shows the entire record, below which is an abbreviated record of the publication in which the map occurs. The link at the bottom of the full document record accesses the PDF version of the publication in which the map occurs. Users can navigate to the specific map by using PDF bookmarks.

Serial Set Digital Collection (via LexisNexis) Contains the bound, sequentially numbered volumes of all the reports, documents, and journals of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives constitute a rich source of primary source material on all aspects of American history. Upon completion, the digital version of the Serial set will consist of approximately 13,800 volumes and over 12 million pages.

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