Friday, May 19, 2006

new database: NY Review of Books

The e-resource _New York Review of Books_ was recently acquired by the Libraries and is available through CLIO, Databases, and E-Journals lists.

The resolver is:

This contains full text of the New York Review of Books beginning with its first issue, in 1963, and up through the current issue.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Computing Tips for Students Going Abroad or Traveling

Here's a lovely resource brought to us by our friends at Residential Computing.

more commencement hullabaloo

There will not be any ReCAP deliveries on Tuesday, May 16 and Wednesday, May 17 due to Commencement related activities on campus. ReCAP requests placed after 4 p.m. today will be shipped on Thursday, May 18.
On Tuesday May 16, the East doors of Butler Library will be used for entrance and egress because of the Columbia College and SEAS Class Day ceremonies being held in the South Fields. A handicapped ramp will be set up at the East entrance on Tuesday.

On Wednesday May 17, Butler Library is closed until after the Commencement ceremony. When Butler Library reopens at the end of the ceremony (1 p.m.), we will use the Main Entrance for entrance and egress.

All personnel working in Butler Library the morning of Wednesday, May 17 are to arrive at the Butler Library Main Entrance no later than 8:00 a.m. The guard staffing the lobby will check their CUIDs against the list provided by LIO. If you will be reporting to work in Butler Library on the morning of Wednesday May 17, contact Bill Sees before 11 a.m. on Monday, May 15. Anyone reporting to work that morning should use the Taint Gate located at W. 115 Street and Amsterdam Avenue to enter campus. Staff will need to show their CUIDs at the Taint Gate in order to enter campus. The East doors will NOT be used at all on Wednesday (the handicapped ramp will be removed Tuesday night).

On Thursday May 18, the East doors of Butler will again be used for entrance and egress in order to accommodate the Law School Class Day ceremony taking place in the South Fields. A handicapped ramp will be set up at the East entrance on Thursday.

Terry Kirchner
Director of Access Services

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Columbia Commencement Handbook

There's a copy at the Reference Desk, should anyone need to consult it.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

CUIT updates

Click on the subscribe link to get to a list of software applications (including EndNote) about which you can sign up to receive news and updates.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Columbia Commencement

Butler Library will open at 1pm on Wednesday, May 17. No one will be admitted until then. Some staff, with permission arranged ahead of time will be inside, having arrived before 8am.

Friday, May 05, 2006

zines in process

If you get a patron query about a holdings message like this one, "In process. Ask for help at the Reference Desk." you can attempt to find the zine yourself and/or refer the question to me.

If you choose the former path, I'm sorry to tell you that there are multiple places the zine could be:
  1. In one of the two cabinets (monographs and serials) above our mailboxes.
  2. In the book truck in my office, which has 3 alphabetical runs of zines.
  3. In the cabinet above my desk, shelved Z to A.
While we're on the topic of finding elusive zines, the archives downstairs is incomplete. Many archives zines are in 207 awaiting abstracting. Our zines assistant has promised to organize and label them so as to make them more accessible to the rest of us.


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