Friday, December 14, 2007

Winter Break Electrical Power Shut Down: Campus Wide Impact

"The shut down will result in a loss of computer network service (e-mail, internet, file sharing, administrative applications) on 12/27 from 6am -- 10am and again on 12/28 from 6pm - 9pm in all administration buildings including Lehman, Milbank, Altschul, Barnard, Vagelos Alumnae Center and all administrative offices in the Quad and Elliott Hall.

"In addition, computer network service will be down in Plimpton Hall and wireless connectivity in Sulzberger and Elliott Hall will be unavailable. All other Residential buildings will be unaffected. Please note that Remote Log-In will not function once power has been disconnected. Any PC left on in Milbank or Altschul will shut down when the power outage occurs and, in most cases, will have to be manually restarted when the power is restored.

"Heat to all campus buildings will be off on 12/27 from 6am -- 10am and again on 12/28 from 6pm - 9pm. The rental emergency generator will permit the reactivation of our boilers and restoration of heat to all campus buildings during the thirty six (36) hour power shut down interval. It will take a few hours after boiler activation to bring the buildings heat to comfortable level. If you must be at work please dress accordingly."

--I can't quite tell if this means the network service will be down completely (i.e. if you're off-campus and trying to read your email from an out-of-network computer) or if they were just spelling it out for folks trying to get work done on campus.

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