Tuesday, September 22, 2009

photocopier problems

The photocopier on the 2nd floor and the one "working" photocopier on the 1st floor are not currently recognizing cards. Printing Services has a call into the copy reader company. The person hadn't heard any other reports of card reader malfunction around the campus, so it might just be a coincidence.


ref desk desk top

Please remember not to leave anything on the reference desk computer desk top. Everyone, including the student workers can/should have access to a shared drive.


Friday, September 11, 2009

How I fixed the new printer

Today the new library printer was showing that there was a paper jam and said "1. Open the door of the duplexer and 2. Remove the paper." I opened the duplexer, but there was no paper in there. I closed the duplexer door and turned the printer off and on again, and then, it worked!


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Dell printer

In case you were curious, like I was, the story, as I understand it about the new printer is this:

The Dell printer, currently housed on a cart between ref06 and the table that used to hold the NINJa computer HP printer, is our new network printer for reference. That's where jobs will go once released by the NINJa computer. It should be able to deal better with large files like pdfs better than the HP did.

Contrary to what I originally thought, the HP will not a backup for when NINJa goes down, but it could be utilized in the case of a hardware failure. Though I assume that wouldn't be a simple replace and go operation.

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